The Club

 Smart club is a pioneer youth-run, youth-led initiative, for developing leadership excellence and knowledge base of young people in the field of Civic, Political, and Economical…spheres, primarily through professionally-supported leadership skill and one-to-one relationship.

Smart club strongly believes that people, who engage in open and critical discourse in their young age about the happening in this world, will become responsible leaders and the most effective problem solvers in their respective field when their days come. Thus, we are committed to prepare each young individual to ask better questions in his/her own way to help advance a family, a society and respectively a world.

Smart club started out as a much felt-need of a platform for young people to learn grow and improve leadership skills hand-in-hand constantly since their early age. So, our goal is to prepare each young individual to be a responsible leader in this constantly evolving world and change maker in his/her respective field, being backed with strong base of knowledge and skills, regularly exposing them from simple communication to stimulating debate and thought provoking analyses from their young age in the form of debate, public speaking, workshop, presentation…etc.

Smart club envisions a platform of learning, growing, improving and exercising leadership excellence hand-in-hand.

Smart club is committed to develop a knowledge base of young leaders on Civic, Political, Economical…spheres, primarily through professionally-supported leadership skills and one-to-one relationship.

Enriches - Young people on contemporary issues, through Public Speaking, Debate, Workshop, presentation…etc

Equips - Young people to learn, grow, improve and exercise their leadership skills through training, capacity buildings, opportunities…etc.

Engages - Young people through firming Clubs, Civic engagements…etc

Every Saturday Like minded youth gather to practice the Public Speaking and Debating. There are three Speakers who deliver their speech for 5 minutes, up to two minutes can be added. The first Speaker is the Pre Decided Speaker whose topic is  decided in the preceding week. Next is the Self Decided who has the liberty to choose his/her topic. Finally, We have the impromptu Speaker who gets his role on the spot by the coordinator. Coordinator is the one who moderates the session. After the speeches of the speakers 3 commentators comments on the speeches delivered by the speakers. Then, Grammarian comes to the stage and points out the grammatical errors done by all the speakers, commentators and coordinator. After, that Aah Counter comes up with his report on the Aah sounds, unusual pauses and repetition of words by the speakers. Time Keeper then after come up to report the time taken by each speakers. At last Observer, who has attended Smart Club for the first time gets to share his experience. Finally the stage is all set for the Overall Critical Analyst (OCA) to critically analyze the session and provide  constructive feedback to all the speakers.
The first sessions always runs under the pre- decided format. However, we have second session to add new dimensions to the Smart Club. In 2nd session different creative, informative, entertaining programs are conducted. Guest Speaker, Documentary session, Debates, Nepali Session,Spin ya Yarn, declamation, story telling etc.