Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Session Report from Suraj Raj Pandey

Session Number: 401st
Date: March 1, 2014
Time: 8:05 am
Venue: Smart Club, PIC Hall, World Bank, Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu, Nepal

The session started with the smart people standing and singing the National Anthem of Nepal. Coordinator Mr. Ujwal Joshi gave introduction of Smart Club with a short info. about Youth Initiative and asked the smart people to introduce themselves. After 11 min. 11 seconds of introduction of Smartians, Coordinator Mr. Ujwal stated the rules and regulations to be followed by the people present inside the hall. After he finished up with the formal rules and regulations he then called upon the Pre Decided Speaker (PDS) Ms. Kavita Rokka to speak on the pre-decided topic i.e. “Potentiality of Far Western Development Region”. The PDS shortly briefed about each development regions of Nepal and moved to FWDR. She focused her talks on the potentiality that FWDR carries in terms of Tourism and Hydroelectricity generation. She gave examples of some places of FWDR that are liable visiting like Jhulaghat, Chainpur, Mt. Saipal, Lama peak etc. She also stated that Nepal government is not focusing in the development of FWDR and urged the need of good educational facilities in the region. She tackled all the questions fluently in the time period of 3 min. 58 seconds.
Mr. Bishnu Rokaya with his topic “Controversy over Power” was called as a Self Decided Speaker (SDS) by the coordinator. He initiated his speech with an impressing line stating, "Best government is the one which teaches us to govern ourselves".  He mostly focused his speech in politics and tried to connect his topic with the present scenario of Nepali politics. Then, he expanded his topic towards recently held P.M. elections, Cabinet expansion, CA elections and to Maoist insurgency in order to demonstrate the contents of his speech. He tackled all the questions with a huge smile in his face and the Q/A round lasted for 3 min. 22 seconds. 
“Advantages of Marriage” was the topic given by the coordinator to Mr. Sanjay Sharma who was the Impromptu Speaker for the session. He started his speech by introducing himself and his topic. He divide marriage into 3 parts: Arranged Marriage, Love Marriage and Running Marriage. He described about all types of marriage and gave a example of his maternal uncle to introduce audience to a weird marriage system i.e. Running Marriage. He gave a humorous speech and made all of us laugh throughout the time period. He also tackled all the questions fluently in the Q/A round which lasted for about 3 min. 22 seconds.
Then, it was the time of voting round. Mr. Ujwal Joshi, coordinator of the session stated the rules of voting and then asked the Smart people to vote for the best speaker.
Soon after Mr. Prabhat Guragain was called as PDS Commentator to comment about the speech given by the PDS. He gave his commentary in 3 min. 11 seconds. After that SDS Commentator Ms. Garima Mandavya and Impromptu Commentator Mr. Sadar Bhandari were called on the stage to comment upon SDS and Imp. Speakers and they took 3 min. 8 seconds and 3 min. 32 seconds respectively.
Grammarian Mr. Avash Raj Subedi was called after the commentators and he started his analysis on the grammar part. Then Aah Counter Mr. Roshan Shah was called to give the information of the overall aahs, repetition of words and unusual pauses made by the speakers during their speech. Timekeeper Ms. Gitanjali Neupane stated the time taken in the overall session and then Observer Ms. Chandani Shrestha gave her observation about the session and The Smart Club.
The job of coordinator ended finally and Overall Critical Analyst Mr. Nitish Pathak was invited to stage to critically analyze the session. He announced the winner of the session who was none other than Mr. Bishnu Rokaya. Mr. Rokaya thanked the audience for listening to his speech and for voting. OCA Mr. Pathak critically analyzed the overall session and finally the first session was concluded successfully.
-----------------------------------------------------TEA BREAK----------------------------------------------------
In the second shift of 401st session, we had a workshop on Debate which was hosted by Mr. Pradeep Raj Ghimire for 1 hr. 15 minutes.

Finally role division was done and the session ended successfully.

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