Monday, February 16, 2015

Session Report for the 444th Session

Date: 14-02-2015
Session: 444th
Session Time: 8:01 A.M – 11:15 A.M
Venue: Class Nepal, Maitighar
Coordinator: Mr. Ananta Thapaliya

In the chilly morning of February the 14th, 37 Smartians from all around the valley gathered at Class Nepal for the 444th session of Smart Club, a platform for public speaking and debating. Young, enthusiastic, a bit sleep-deprived yet cheerful minds started this day listening to some amazing speeches and commentary in the first session while watching some great performances in the second.

The session started at 8:05 am, with the audience first singing the beautiful national anthem which was then followed by the introduction round where the coordinator Mr Ananta Thapaliya asked everyone to tell their names and define “Love” in their own way in a single line. The overall critical analyst for the first session was Mr Saurav Bhatta.

Soon after that, the first speaker Mr Sulav Baskota was called upon the stage to give a speech on the topic “Overthrowing the Government”. He talked critically of the present government of Nepal and based his points on the daily struggle we Nepali are facing due to political instability. He presented a thought provoking analogy where he compared the Nepali Government with the Mafia; collecting money but not providing any services. After the first speaker who spoke for 3 minutes 50 seconds, the second speaker, Ms Pratikshya Baral was called upon the stay who talked on a self-decided topic “Self Love” where she talked about loving yourself before sharing that love with others. She talked about how we owe love to just one person in this world and that would be we ourselves. The SDS spoke for 4 minutes 52 seconds. Finally the third speaker Mr Saxshat Bhattarai was called upon the stage and was given an impromptu topic in the stage which was “Importance of Critical Thinking in Relationships”. The third speaker gave an opinion based speech and spoke for 2 minutes and 20 seconds. Soon after that, the voting round took place where the audience was to vote on the 3 speeches.

After this, it was turn of the commentators whose job was to comment on the matter and the manner part of the speeches presented by the speakers. The PDS commentator was Mr Gokul Ghimire, the SDS commentator was Ms Kreepa Subba and the commentator for the impromptu speaker was Mr Manish Khatiwada. The commentators spoke for 5 minutes, 2.5 minutes, and 4 minutes respectively. All the commentators spoke critically, pointing out the good aspects of the speech and then pointing out those aspects where the speakers need to work on.

It was now the turn of the Grammarian to come up in stage and present a detailed analysis of how the session went grammatically. Mr Gaurav Pande was called to the stage and he pointed out the combined errors that many role takers had done in the session. According to him, most of the role takers committed mistakes while using articles. He also rated the role takers on the basis of their grammar after which he talked about some ways to improve grammar while speaking in public. After the grammarian, the Ah counter Mr Pratik Paudel was called upon the stage whose job was to point out the number of ahs, unusual pauses and repetition of words which was followed by the Time Keeper who gave a detailed presentation on the time taken for each activity that had happened in the session.

Soon after that, Mr Pratik Karki was called upon the stage as an observer whose job was to analyze how the session went through the eyes of a new comer. Mr Pratik gave some complements about the session while also mentioning on other things which could be done in the session to make it more efficient in future.

Finally, the OCA Mr Saurav Bhatta was called upon the stage and as an oca his job was to critically analyze all the roles that were taken today by the other role takers in the session. As ususal, he started from the last and gave very critical review on how things went in the session. He gave some good feedback and suggested ways on improving them. He also advised the coordinator to be more mindful before asking questions to speakers that could hurt their sentiments.

All in all, the session was much disciplined with a very calm audience and great execution of their roles by the role takers.

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