Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rapporteur's Report_394th Session

The session of smart club started at 8;01 AM in the  beautiful and charming chilly morning of winter . The coordinator MR Monaj bohara starts the session formally.In the begaining he requested every one to sing a national anthem . National anthom took one minuit. He gives the introduction of smart club and youth initative in a very beautyful way. He then started the introduction round for the people. Introduction round tool 7 minuits. He also mention the rules and regulation which each and every smart people should follow.After this he read out the name of the role taker. The first speaker PDS Mr.Deepak bhandari with the topic Genetically modefied crops starts the speech in a very awsome and brilliant way.He gives the introduction of Monsanto which is very hot and burning debatable  issue in the country. some month before the agreement has been signed between the Monsanto company of America and CG group.He said that the monsanto seeds is very dangerous and harmful to the producitivity of the soil.Because of monsanto around 28 thousand of farmers of india suicide in india. So he viewes that we should not allowed monsanto seeds in nepal. His speech moral lesson is that we should not give legal status to this monsanto. He also tackle all the questions in a bvery unique and logical way.Then coordinator calls upon the SDS Miss Sahara Bhetwal with the topic Nostelgia. She introduce the topic with breef and sweet way. Acording to her nostalgia means remembering the sweet and un forgetable moment of the past.Her goal is that we should not make our future dark and puzzling because of the past moment. so we also could make our prest moode refresh by remembering the past good moment.She has a very wander way of grasping the attenton of the audience. She gives answers of all questions asked by audience. Then coordinator calls upon the imprompt speaker Mr Ujjwal joshi with the topic New year resolution. He was one of the impressive and encouriging speasker of smart club who always wants to tackle the callenge. That is why he always gives the justice to his role though he was impromt speaker. , he utalized full tme. He relates the topic with his personal life resolution as well as aruond the world. He also take all the questions  a very good way. then voting round took around 1minuits 30 second..After the voting round coordinator calls up on the cmmentator of PDS Mr pradeep nirula , of SDS Mr sanjaya sharma , of imprompt speaker Mr sishire siwokoti. All the commentator were very constructive, logical and encouraging to the speaker. They have pointed out the weak point and gave suggestion and different way to improve public speaking. Grammerian Mr Bishwash Adhikary did justice to his role. the session was gammatically sound.And he pointed out the major grammatical errors and give suggestion to reduce the mistakes.Aha counter bhuwan siwakoti is a confident speaker. He present his role very short and sweet way. Time keeper Mr Aditya kharel started his presentation with a beautyful quote which shows the importance of time .Finally OCA  of 394 sesssion Mr Nishant dhungel  summarizes the session . He comments upon the each and every speaker with full energy and motivation. Then he decleared the end of session. The role division has been in the first session because of technical problem. After the short tea break second session started. in the second session one of the very intligent and wity personality of  smart club Mr Abdus Miya  program producer of open spce conducted the program by welcoming the guest speaker.  The guest were from kutumba band.The main goal of open space is to talk with inspiring young people and their life story of struggle behind success. The guest were Mr pabit Maharjan , Arun gurung, and Kiran nepali.The program will be broadcasted from Himalayan TV each saturday morning from 7 30 am. after the production of program was over.Everyone move towards their home. Prepared by Bishnu Bokaya.

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