Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Rapporteur's Report of 393rd Session

Providing a brief introduction about Smart Club’s origin and Youth Initiative’s remarkable role in its evolution, the coordinator, Mr. Saurav Bhatta, welcomed all of the smart people to 393rd session of Smart Club, which also was the Grand Finale day. With the partisan end of National Anthem, Mr. Bhatta then started the introduction round with the permission from the OCA of the session, Mr. Ayush Shrestha Joshi and ended with congratulating the new Club coordinators on their new tenure.
After announcing the name of role of takers of the day, the coordinator called upon PDS (Pre Decided Speaker), Mr.Prabhat Guragain on the stage who talked on about "Is Cosmetic Surgery a Mere Vanity?"Starting off with a story related to his topic, Mr. Guragain provided several examples with precise data which seemed to convince the audience about Cosmetic Surgery. During his speech, he talked about pros and cons of cosmetic surgery and gave pragmatic reason on why do we people opt for such kind of surgery. During the Q/A round, like a gallant soldier, he tackled all the questions swaying the audience.
As a Second PDS, Mr. Manish Khatiwada talked on "Fighting Cyber-Crimes" with his prodigious energy. During his speech, he talked about the emerging trolls of national politicians in social medias, which he regarded as a crime and provided logical ways to overcome such problems. Also, he discussed in brief about pirated software and child pornography, the popular cybercrimes of this 21st century.
The final PDS of the session, Mr. Nabin Rayamajhi talked on a debatable topic, "Do Beauty Contests Objectify Females?" In his speech he supported the fact that beauty contests did not objectify females, where he added that such contests, in return, helped women to build their self-potentiality and confidence.
Without any delay, after the 3rd PDS finished his speech tackling all the questions he had on his way, the voting round started which took for around 2 minutes. Soon after that, all three enthusiastic commentators, Ms. Shiksha Neupane, Mr. Pradeep Raj Ghimiré, and Mr. Nitish Pathak commented on specific manner and matter parts of their respective commentators, providing notable suggeastions. This was followed by the Grammarian, Mr. Pradeep Niroula, who picked out grammatical and pronunciation errors of all six speakers including the coordinator and stressed on providing worthy advice for their each slip. The remaining role takers were Aah! Counter as Mr. Nishan Dhungel and Time Keeper as Mr. PrabinBasyal who provided justice to their role. Rather than just providing the summary of counted aahas and estimated time, they figured out why, how much and where did the speakers slip with some valuable suggestions.
Finally, when the session called to an end, Mr. Bhatta handed over the platform to the critical analyzer of the day, Mr. Ayush Shrestha Joshi. Mr. Joshi, being one of the aspiring speaker, shared his view about the session where he exchanged his research and provided feedbacks for each role takers, and ending the 393rd session announcing the winner of Grand Finale as Mr. Prabhat Guragain.
                                                                  TEA BREAK

After the successful registration of participants and a short tea break, the second session was the Youtube session which was organized by the CCT (Club Coordination Team) members. During the session, the coordinators showed some five popular inspiring and creative YouTube videos, where they gathered feedbacks after each video from the enthusiastic audience. Lastly, before the 393rd session finally called to an end, role divisions for 394th session took on ground. 

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