Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Rapporteur report of 390th Session

Date: 07-12-2013
Session Number: 390
Venue: PIC Hall, Yak & Yeti
Number of Participants: 75 Smart People 

The session of Smart Club began at 8:05 AM in the chilly morning of winter. The Coordinator Mr. Nabin Rayamajhi started his work of introducing Smart Club in a formal way. He then started the introduction round for the people. The introduction round was amazing. Amazing because many of the Smart people remembered Nelson Mandela who died in 5th December 2013 at the age of 95.
The first speaker (i.e. Pre-decided Speaker) was Mr. Pragyan Sigdel who explained his topic “Effectiveness of Voter’s Education” in a excellent way. He explained everything about Voter’s Education and the effectiveness of Voter’s Education in the public. Though it was a day long after the election had gone, he explained if voter’s education was effective or not. He ended his speech and then lots of questions were asked to him by the Smart audiences.
A great start with a story by Mr. Manish Khatiwada as a Self- decided speaker.  He shared a story about his lady friend who had faced the problem or had faced the abuse. He then greeted the OCA and then asked for 2 extra minutes. The topic he spoke about was eve teasing. He explained his topic very well and gave a strong view towards eve teasing. He also explained the types eve teasing and awared the audiences not to do it since it was a crime.
The third speaker was given a wonderful topic “Nelson Mandela” as an impromptu topic by the coordinator to Mr. Prashant Panthee. He explained everything he knew about Nelson Mandela, his great deeds, his post etc. in a excellent way. Everybody in the PIC Hall began to think about Mandela or to say more everybody remembered him and prayed for his departed soul to Rest In Peace in Heaven.
Soon after when the impromptu speaker finished his speech and question answer, the voting round was started. The voting round was conducted well by the Club Coordination Team (CCT) of Smart Club.
After the voting round was over, Miss Rasmita Limbu was collect over to give her commenting in the speech given by Mr. Pragyan Sigdel. She pointed out the errors and then gave the suggestions for improvement for his speech. Similarly, the commentators for Self-Decided Speaker and Impromptu Speaker Mr. Deepak Bhandari and Mr. Sandip Acharya respectively gave their commenting to the respective speakers.
After the commenting was over, Mr. Shishir Siwakoti was called as Grammarian. He pointed out all the grammatical errors made out by the coordinator, the speakers and the commentators. He did his job well and it was now the turn of the AAha! Counter Miss Katina Acharya to deliver the report of aaha counting and unusual pauses made by the coordinator, speakers, commentators and the grammarian. Mr. Binod Bhandari was then called after that to give the record of time keeping. He mentioned the time when the session started and the time taken for the introduction and voting round and time taken by the coordinator, speaker, commentators, grammarian and aaha! Counter.
The session was finally coming to an end when Mr. Pradeep Parajuli was called over to give the overall critical analysis for the overall session. He also announced the winner who was non other than Mr. Manish Khatiwada. The session was finally to an end.
Mr. Manish Khatiwada announced about Madness Marathon part 2 happening in 27th 28th and 29th December 2013 before tea break.
------------------------------------------------------------------Tea Break-----------------------------------------------------------------
After the tea break, the second session was held. In the second session, British Parliamentary Format debate was held on the topic “Abortion should be legalized”. The session was coordinated by Mr. Aaasim Ansari. The role takers were Miss Rasmita Limbu, Mr. Nitish Pathak, Mr. Bishnu Rokaya, Mr. Ujjwol Joshi, Miss Shraddha Amatya, Miss Chandani Manandhar, Miss Arju Basnet and Miss Kashya Adhikari. In the proposition side Miss Rasmita Limbu, Miss Arju Basnet, Mr. Nitish Pathak and Mr. Ujjwol Joshi  and in the opposition side Miss Shraddha Amatya, Miss Chandani Manandhar, Mr. Bishnu Rokaya and Miss Kashya Adhikari. They were judged by a panel of judges which included Mr. Prabhat Guragain, Mr. Sanjay Adhikari and Mr. Damodar Lohani.
Finally the role division for 391st Session was done and after that everybody headed their way.

Rapporteur – Pratichhya Mathema

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