Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Rapporteur Report of 389th Session

Every first session of Smart Club were the final for the speakers. But today(30th November) was the final of the final, better to say "Grand Finale" with the month of patriotism. The first session started at 8:07 am, quiet late. It is said that "The great works begins with small step" but the coordinator of today's session, Mr Sujal Khatiwada started the grand finale with his grand design. He welcomed every people over there and asked to applause to the patriotic people. He requested everyone over there to introduce themselves with the patriotic people they adore. Then he gave short introduction about Smart Club along with certain rules and regulations.
            He then took the permission from the OCA, Mr Samrat Sigdel and the session was started formally. Our coordinator Mr Khatiwada called Mr. Manoj Bohara, first PDS upon the stage to speak on his topic, "What makes us immortal?".Mr Bohara seemed to be well-prepared on his topic and so as he did,gave his speech.After his speech he was able to tackle 4 question  and answered them properly and ended his speech within 8 minute. After then, 2nd PDS Mr. Nitish Pathak was called to speak on his topic, "Patriotic people protagonist or antagonist?". He also seemed to be well-prepared, well-researched on his topic and gave his speech.After then he was able to tackle 4 questions and answered them properly and ended his speech within 10 minutes.Finally the 3rd PDS, Mr Pradeep Niroula was called to speak on the topic "Dangers of ultranationalism."He too seemd to be well-prepared,well-organised ,well-researched and spoke very wisely and smoothly. He was able to tackle 5 questions properly and his speech lasted for around 9 minutes. After, every people over there engaged themselves in voting round and it lasted for about 1 minute. Then the commentators of every speakers were called to comment to their respective speakers. 1st PDS commentator,  …………….  showed some dissatisfaction, clarified about his dissatisfaction and congratulated for his good part. Similarly 2nd PDS  commentator, Prashant  Panthee commented on 2nd PDS. He congratulated for his good parts and gave some suggestion and then 3rd PDS commentator Abhishek  Pokhrel started his comment on 2nd PDS's  speech with the  good part of PDS and gave some suggestion for his improvement. Every  commentator  lasted their comment for about 2 minutes. They praised for the good part of speaker and for some part they suggested for improvement.Similarly to give brief account about the grammar part of the role takers grammarian, Mohammad Saif was called and he presented his data about the grammar of the role takers.Likewise  Ah counter Mr. Sanjay Rimal was called to present his data regarding unusual pause, no. of ahs, repetition of words.Then Mr Prabhat Guragain was called to present the data about the time taken by role takers respectively. In this way the role takers completed their role. But today  I found some unusual in this session that even having new faces, observer were not called on the stage.Then, the coordinator depatured from his role by completing it  properly and called OCA, Mr. Samrat Sigdel to analyse overall session. He applaud for the best part of the session as well was disappointed on the roles of some role takers and suggested for their improvement. At last he announced the winner of Finale. He announced Mr Pradeep Niroula as the winner and congratulated him with the certificates and T-shirt. In this way 1st session came to an end.
                                          TEA BREAK

 After a short tea break, 2nd session was started.On the first part of second session Mr. Suman Parajuli  acknowledged us about the site “" through which we could raise our voice about our rights, discuss question on national issues through that site.We felt very excited  to know such stuff through which we could raise our voice on the issues prevailing in our nation.We came to know about it within 15 minutes, so  from Smart Club we express buckets of thanks to Mr. Suman Parajuli  for making us know about it within short time. Then he depatured from there. Next to that, the second part of the second session was the documentary show about the origin of Mount Everest. I feel very grateful to CCT members for showing us about the origin of our nation's pride on the month of patriotism. And after the completion of second session role takers for next session were choosen. In this way the 389th session ended.
-          Krishbold Bhandari

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