Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Session Report for the 446th Session

Date: March 7, 2015
Session: 446th
Time: 8:00 am – 11:00 am
Coordinator: Mr Sanjay Sharma
Venue: Class Nepal, Maitighar,
Report By: Suraj Raj Pandey and Aasim Ansari

The session started with the smart people standing and singing the National Anthem of Nepal. Coordinator Mr. Sanjay Sharma gave introduction of Smart Club with a short info. about Youth Initiative and asked the smart people to introduce themselves. After 4 minutes of introduction of smartians, Coordinator Mr. Sanjay stated the rules and regulations to be followed by the people present inside the hall. After he finished up with the formal rules and regulations he then called upon the Pre Decided Speaker (PDS) Ms. Pratikshya Baral to speak on the pre-decided topic i.e. “Rationalism v/s Fatalism”. She briefly described the terms rationalism and fatalism and went on with the content of her speech. Distinguishing the differences between rationalism and fatalism she pointed out how they have been affecting human behaviour in everyday life. She seemed very confident while delivering the speech and her speech was well synchronized.

Ms. Sangita Tiwari with her Pre decided topic “Superhuman memory” was called as a Self decided speaker by the coordinator. She started her speech by describing about a show in one adventure television where she got to know about a person with super memory. She said that she was deeply influenced by that person's extraordinary capability of remembering stuffs. Then she gave audience with some tips to obtain good memory and the benefits of having good memory. SDS seemed confident enough while delivering her speech.

As Impromptu Speaker of the session, Mr. Suraj Raj Pandey was called upon the stage with the topic "Does social campaigns have any impact on society?" decided by the coordinator. Mr. Suraj started his impromptu speech with an example of recent social campaign against acid attak and it's positive impact in Nepalese society. He mostly tried to connect his speech with facts stating some of the famous social campaigns and its usefulness for the reform of society. He seemed confident and delivered his speech with lots of energy and emotions.

After that, the commentators were called upon the stage to comment on the manner and the matter part of their respective speakers. The Commentator for the PDS Mr Bibhas Uprety gave an articulate commentary on the speech by Ms Pratikshya Baral. He also noted that the topic would be more thought provoking if it had been presented in a different way. After that, the commentator for the SDS Mr Roshan Jha was called to comment on the speech by Ms Sangita Tiwari. He was critical of the speech and presented many areas where the speech could have been better. He also pointed out the positive aspects of the speech. Soon after that, the commentator for the impromptu speaker Mr Atul Bhattrai was called upon the stage and he gave an equally thought provoking and productive commentary for his respective speaker’s speech.

Now was the time of the Grammarian Mr Aasim Ansari to point out the common grammatical errors that occurred in the session and also suggest some points to improve grammar while speaking in public. The grammarian showed 3 main areas where the role takers made mistakes, namely linking sentences, excessive use of “a” and “an” and the wrongful pronunciation of some common words. Soon after that, the Ah Counter Ms Samipa Khanal came to the stage to point out the number of “ahs”, “ums”, unusual pauses and repetition of words. After that Time Keeper Mr Deepak Bhandari was called on the stage to give an account on the time taken for various activities that occurred in the session. All the three speakers gave justice to their roles. 

Finally, the Overall Critical Analyst (OCA) Mr Nitish Pathak was called upon the stage to critically analyze the whole session. Mr Nitish gave a wonderful analysis filled with humor and thoughtful points that could help the role takers in the future. He provided some helpful tips to the role takers and at the same time kept space for some productive criticisms.

The Speaker of the Week was the Impromptu Speaker Mr Suraj Raj Pandey.

All in all, the session was great, with a moderate but enthusiastic number of participants. 

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