Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rapporteur report of 386th sessions

Date: November 9, 2013, Saturday
Venue: Smart Club, PIC Hall, World Bank, Yak & Yeti
Time: 8:00 am
1st session
   Smart people at smart club provides the charm when they present at the exact smart time 8:00 am despite of the coldness of leaving the blanket out. All smart friends gathered at the PIC Hall leading by our Co-ordinator Damodar Lohani with  hands weighing a plastic glass. The  1st session started at 8:04 am with the time keeper Mr. Guragain  who alerted every one how precious is the time. Then, co-ordinator started the session with the formal greeting to OCA Mr. Abdus Miya. and every smart friends introduced themselves with warm greeting to the mass . Then continuing to our session Mr. Manoj Bohora PDS speaker spoke on the topic Carelessness of TIA which was the burning issue since many had lost their lives in this few months. He presented the scenario also letting us know the prevailing problem as well as the solution. After that SDS Speaker Ms. Shikha Neupane spoke on self decided topic Fear: Obstacle For Success stating how fear kills creativity and cause the obstacle. Then Impromtu Speaker Mr. Samrat Sigdel was given out impromtu topic by co-ordinator How would you convince educated youth to take part in the election? Despite making other convince he was contradicting in his own words beside he lead the humour out n brust out the audience into laughter.  Commentator were  all ready for the attack to there speaker speech starting with 1st PDS commentator Mr.Saurav Bhatta. He  seemed to be critically analysing his speaker speech . And 2nd SDS Commentator Ms.Kritiva Nepal commented on the manner part of the speaker. Similarly, 3rd Commentator Ujjwol Joshi was the most excited with his speaker speech inspite of the rule not to comment on the speaker matter part he comment on both matter and manner part.  Co-ordinator was indulging the audience with the question by then he announce about the Grammarian Mr Himal Pandey who pointed out the mistake (pronunciation, tenses )made during delivering speech. He too rated the speaker and annouced Saurav to be the winner of having good grammer knowledge in practice. Mr. Prabhat Guragain  came up with the time schedule of the speaker and every activities went around during the 1st session. Mr.Deepak Bhandari Ahh Counter also gave justices to his role  counting out the unusual pauses, repeatition of word and Ahh of the speaker. Finally the co-ordinator called the OCA to critically analyze the overall session and took leave. OCA analyzed the overall session and congratulated the Winner of the Week Mr. Manoj Bohora. that was the end of first session.

 ----------------------------------------------------------------TEA BREAK-------------------------------------------------------------

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Rapporteur:- Smriti Shree Shrestha

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